Company: MYP Online Marketing Ltd

Mauritius Yellow Pages – We brought the trademark home

With the Mauritius Yellow Pages you can #thinklocal and #shoplocal

The Mauritius Yellow Pages business directory, published by MYP Online Marketing, is proud to announce that ownership of its trademark has been returned to Mauritius from Singapore. Local ownership of this local trademark together with the recently launched new look enhanced online business directory, brings the benefits of potential employment and tax revenue back to our island. With Mauritius Telecom discontinuing its print phone book, the Yellow Pages provides an essential service at a time when Covid-19 has highlighted just how important it is for information to be found, and commerce to be conducted online.  We have put the #thinklocal, and #shoplocal concepts into practice by introducing new marketing and branding features and tools which together with the internationally recognised Yellow Pages brand, are vital to providing online visibility for local businesses and organisations.

So Much More Than Just A Business Directory
We offer a range of packages from a FREE business page that lists basic contact information, to paid listings that start from 49 MUR per month and our most advanced tools and features are found in our Cyber listing at just 1999 MUR for a whole year, which offers excellent value for money. Our comparison table provides the full list of features and tools available for each package. We also want to ensure that local consumers can access information online, and are offering government departments, state and local institutions, and non-profit NGO’s a FREE customised page with a range of features that can provide essential comprehensive information. The new Yellow Pages is also in English and French which makes it accessible to most of the population. Members can also join the Yellow Pages for FREE, use our Advanced Search feature, and communicate with businesses anonymously if they wish to, in order to avoid spam mail.

The General Manager of MYP Online Marketing, H.K. Koborg, spoke about the mission behind the relaunch, “we want to ensure that entrepreneurs and organisations do not miss out because of Covid – now is the time to make sure your clients can find you online. It is in the national interest to ensure that businesses can still operate even during a pandemic”.  MYP also plan to provide extra support to female entrepreneurs, including through their CSR programme.

 support business

With the increasing challenges facing businesses, the Mauritius Yellow Pages are constantly innovating to improve their platform to provide more benefits to businesses and consumers in Mauritius. Future developments include a mobile app which will also allow international companies to find and connect with local businesses, and the pioneering concept ‘YellowMarket’. With YellowMarket consumers can search for, and request quotations for a product or service and then proceed to complete the transaction that suits them. Through these difficult times, the Yellow Pages offers all proud residents the opportunity to #thinklocal, and #shoplocal.